Wednesday 15 January 2014

Chicken a la Basque with peppers

This dish started life as 'Chicken a la Basque' but over time I have altered it in so many ways that now it would probably be an insult to the Basques to call it that. I now call it 'Chicken a la SGK'. Basically it is a chicken and peppers stew with the usual and expected extras: olive oil, onions, garlic, a tomato (optional), paprika (the hotter the better), a potato or two (optional), half a bottle of your favourite wine (red or white) and, in the absence of chicken stock, a couple of chicken stock cubes.

I hate measuring things out when cooking. Consequently my dishes always taste slightly different from the last time. 

There is very little time needed for preparing the the dish. I diced two small onions (didn't have a large one) and 3 cloves of garlic. Washed the peppers and cut them into 2 x 3 cm strips. Peeled 2 small potatoes and cut them into 3 x 3 cm cubes, blanched and peeled a small tomato. The chicken breast, about 140gr, I diced into small bite-size pieces about 2-3 cm square.

I heated 4 tbsp of olive oil in a pan and when hot added the onions, garlic and chicken, stirring constantly for a couple of minutes until the chicken lost its pink colour and the onions turned transparent. Next, I sprinkled 3 tsp of paprika into the dish, and stirred things to coat the chicken pieces well with the paprika. 

Then I dissolved the chicken cubes in pint and quarter of boiling water and poured it into the pan, stired, and added the peppers, tomato and potatoes, gave it all a good stir again and allowed the dish to simmer until the meat was cooked - about 15-20 minutes.

You can be as creative with this dish as you fancy. For example, while the dish simmers you could boil a small cup of rice in a separate pan and use that instead of potatoes, or hard-boil an egg, quarter it, and serve it on top of the dish as garnish. 

And the wine? Drink it at intervals while cooking!

Do not add salt if you are using stock cubes; cubes tend to be salty. 
Add less water if you want the dish to be less soupy.
Use onions and garlic according to taste.
But DO NOT skimp on paprika. It's what gives the dish its unique flavour.