Sunday 19 January 2014

Hungarian Goulash

Hungarian Goulash in its native form is a spicy soup with pieces of beef and potatoes, served as a main course.  Originally it was the regular diet of Hungarian cowboys tending the cattle herds in the 'puszta', the Hungarian flatlands east of the River Tisza. 

Near the end of the day one of the cownoys would put the basic ingredients into an iron cooking pot over an open fire and let it simmer there until it was time for their evening meal. There was nothing fancy about the dish and if you want an authentic, easily-prepared and tasty but simple meal you too should keep it simple.

This is what you need  for 2 adults (for a main coursel):

200g. brisket of beef (shank, shin or leg is also OK but may need longer cooking).
300g. potatoes, 
1/2 onion (c.50g.).
10g. lard or 2 tbsp cooking oil.
2 tbsp paprika.
1 clove of garlic,
1 tsp caraway seeds
Pinch or two of salt.Water


Wash the meat and remova all fat. Cut the meat into bite-size cubes, c.2 cm  sq. or whatever size you feel comfortable with.
Peel and chop the onion (as fine as you can).
Peel and chop or crush the garlic (as fine as you can).
Boil 2 pints of water for cooking. (You will not some more later.)


Heat the lard or oil and glaze the onions.
Add the beef and stir well until no longer raw-looking.
Add the paprika and stir well (do not allow to burn).
Add 2 pints of boiling water and stir. 
Add rest of ingredients but not the potatoes. 
Reduce heat and simmer until meat is nearly cooked (c. one and a half hours)

While the meat is cooking peel and dice the potatoes into bite-size cubes, c.2 cm or whatever you feel comfortable with and when the meat is nearly cooked (after c. an hour and a half) add them into the pot and add more boiling water to cover the contents of the pot. 
Cook for further 10-12 minutes until meat and potatoes are ready.
Remove from heat and let it stand for 10 minutes before serving.

TIP: Use above measures and volumes as a guide for your first attempt. Thereafter adjust to suit your taste. Much of the water will evaporate, the amount of lard or oil you use will determine how rich or thin the dish will be. 

Remember, this is supposed to be a simple dish of beef and potatoes.

UK cuts

US cuts